
Clan Leader Posters, which highlighted the original artwork of Colin Yeo (OH Artist), were released in waves to raise NEFTY in order to get to LEVEL 2 on neftyblocks. And thanks to your help, we made it!

Here are a few sample posters:

Update: Posters will have the following additional uses:

  1. They will be usable in the early stages of the mini-game and will be viewed as having 'rare' rarity

  2. These NFTs are also stakeable on the orchidfarmer WAXDAO farm ( from 19/11/22 - 30/05/23.

  3. They are stakeable on Wombat Dungeon Master (, for an indeterminate amount of time

  4. In the future, they will be redeemable for a Standard Genesis Pack

  5. Other future uses as determined by the Founders

As we approach the release of the mini-game, Clan Beast and Clan Vehicle posters are now being released. They are being sold exclusively in KEIKI. The same uses as stated above will apply to these posters.

Last updated